Sunday, January 22, 2006
Father and Daughter. Zhanar and I have a running dispute over whether she looks more whitey or more Aisian. I think she definitely looks more whitey. I think that in this photo she looks a little like Tara Disser, our friend's dauthter.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
She likes the silver spoon that Beysen gave her. Today while we were having tea. Beysen told us a story about how when she was little they only had one spoon in the family. She and her parents used to sit on the floor eating dinner, passing the spoon around to take a bite. I couldn't help it. I laughed out loud. It just sounded too much like the hokey super-sad stories that I used to make up and tell Zhanar in order to make her cry. But this story was actually true... "it was after the war", as Zhanar said. I had to stifle another laugh. Am I evil?